Senin, 14 Juli 2008

Vans for the Environment - PART VII


Stuttgart, Germany, Jul 14, 2008

According to EU Directive 2003/30/EC the following products are considered to be biofuels:
  • Bioethanol and cellulose ethanol : ethanol produced from biomass or the biologically degradable constituents of waste materials, and intended for use as a biofuel
  • Biodiesel : methylester of a vegetable oil or animal fat of diesel fuel quality which is intended for use as a biofuel
  • Biogas : combustible gas which is produced from biomass or the biologically degradable constituents of waste materials, can reach the same quality as natural gas by purification and is intended for use as a biofuel, or wood gas
  • Bio-methanol: methanol produced from biomass and intended for use as a biofuel
  • Bio-dimethylether: dimethylether produced from biomass and intended for use as a biofuel
  • Bio-ETBE ( ethyl-tertiary-butyl ether ): ETBE produced on the basis of bioethanol
  • Bio-MTBE ( methyl-tertiary-butyl ether ): fuel produced on the basis of bio-methanol
  • BtL fuel(Biomass to Liquid) synthesised from b iomass . As a first processing stage gasification is used to generate a synthetic gas. Fuel is then synthesised from this as a second stage.
  • Bio-hydrogen: hydrogen produced from biomass or the biologically degradable constituents of waste materials, and intended for use as a biofuel
  • Pure vegetable oil: oil obtained from oil-seed by pressing, extraction or similar methods, untreated or refined but chemically unmodified, if suitable for the relevant engine type and compliant with the corresponding e mission standards.
  • Bio-butanol : 1-butanol produced by the microbiological fermentation of biomass and suitable for use as a biofuel.
  • Unlike b iodiesel , BTL fuel is generally produced from solid biomass (e.g. wood, straw ), i.e. from cellulose , hemi-cellulose and lignin, not from oil seeds.
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