Senin, 04 Agustus 2008

It's Time for The Summer Holiday!

5th of August, 2008:the sun is burning, it's pure summer outside, and our mind flies away to the picturesque image of a blue sea and to the icy atmoshpere given by the shadow of a palm tree. And the pina colada... And also the gentle summer breeze...

Oh yeah, things are more than clear:we definitely need a good and well-deserved summer holiday to recharge our batteries and come back to work with new forces and new inspiration to write articles about our all-time favourite carmaker:Mercedes-Benz. It will be quite a long hault, in which our blog will also experience some rest, but be sure we will return in September and we will catch up with all the important news that appeared during the holiday.

And now, our faithful visitors, we shall say goodbye to all of you, thank you for your devotion, and last, but not least, remind you to check fastfivecars at the beginning of September.

May you all have an unforgettable summer holiday!

Copyright � 2008, fastfivecars. All rights reserved.

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